Chaos to Calm: United… By: Carrie Beleno

“Joined together for a common purpose.” That’s the definition of united.
Are we joined together for a common purpose?

“Yes!” you say. We are joined together in religious beliefs, politically leanings and standing up for causes. We join together to march, protest, fundraise and pray.

But I ask you, have we truly identified what our common purpose is? The common purpose of our lives here on Earth?

I assure you, it’s not to make money, graduate college, land that job, find a spouse or pursue the American dream.

It’s to declare who we are and how we are going to give and receive love. That’s it.

We use these tools~ the jobs, degrees, families, friends, income~ to help us determine who it is we are and how we love. Problem is, we’ve made these our determining factors. continue

You can read this article on Carrie’s blog by clicking here.

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