High school students are invited to participate in the summertime Junior Volunteer Program at Gracedale Nursing Home in Nazareth. Duties include transporting residents to in-house appointments, helping with activities, and visiting one-on-one. All volunteers must be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 Minimum age 14. Contact Jennie Repsher, 610-829-3823, jrepsher@northamptoncounty.org. Website link- https://www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0C4z00000QyslEEAR
Assist Museum Teachers with the Burnside Plantation – Century at Burnside Education Program. Hosted by Historic Bethlehem Museums & Sites, volunteers will lead educational activities for elementary school children at a living history farm while in authentic costume. Training provided. Adults only. Contact Keith Sten, 610-882-0450, ksten@historicbethlehem.org. Website link- https://www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0C4z00000QypXOEAZ
East Coast K9 Trials is an annual event held by the K9 Kop Project that raises money for law enforcement K9s. Help in several areas is needed: set-up, break down, manage equipment, basket raffle, and help K9 officers or vendors. Volunteer shifts run about four hours with start times at 7:15 a.m., 9 a.m., 1 p.m. on Sunday, May 22nd. Contact Vickie Richards, 443-851-3658, k9kopproject@gmail.com. Website link- https://www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0C4z00000R7ssDEAR
So that we can continue “To educate, inspire, and celebrate the visual and performing arts in Nazareth and the Lehigh Valley,” consider sharing your grant writing skills for Nazareth Center for the Arts by creating applications for funding for our non-profit. Coordinate collection of information needed to meet reporting requirements, communicate grant reporting deadlines and monitor progress against grant commitments. Contact Jenny Swanker, 484-554-5867, nazaretharts@gmail.com. Website link- https://www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0C4z00000Qym6rEAB
Spanish or English speaking volunteers are needed virtually or in person to tutor or assist with teaching English as Second Language, Math, Social Studies, or Language Arts for students at The Literacy Center. Flexible schedule. Training and support will be provided. Contact Treeza Anthony, 610-435- 0680 x804, tanthony@theliteracycenter-lv.org. Website link- https://www.volunteerlv.org/organization/0011a00000KYGc3AAH
Great opportunity for companies, groups, families, or individuals to volunteer for The Salvation Army Children’s Services’ Rock N Run 5K, 10K, and Kids’ Fun Run on Saturday, May 14 at Coca Cola Park. Have a blast while helping children impacted by foster care. Lots of different jobs are available from course marshal to food service to cheering section. Also looking for musicians to play along the course route. Contact Emily Anthony, 610-821-7706, emily.anthony@use.salvationarmy.org. Website link- https://www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0C4z00000R9Qp0EAF
Assemble weekend meal bags for students and help in our food pantry every Monday from 9 – 11 a.m. Wilson Area LINCS Family Center, Easton, could use your help to also pack items in boxes, deliver curbside and load into cars, and break down cardboard boxes. Minimum age 12 with adult. Contact Trina Brady, 610-844-6811, tjohnsonbrady@wilsonareasd.org. Website link- https://www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0C4z00000R9ID9EAN
Support young musicians! Join the Board of Directors at Young People’s Philharmonic of the Lehigh Valley. Time commitments include attendance at monthly board meetings (currently remote) Sept- June and some committee work in between. Minimum age is 25. Contact Susan Yoder, 215-913-3336, nominating@ypplv.org. Website link- https://www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0C1P00000NvJScUAN
For more volunteer opportunities please visit https://www.volunteerlv.org/