A Date with Dad

ALLENTOWN, PA) – The Allentown Rescue Mission will hold its first Date with Dad luncheon this Father’s Day. The father/childcookout will bring homeless dads together with their children for an afternoon of food, fun, and family bonding.

Many homeless dads spend Father’s Day separated from their children. J.P., an Allentown Rescue Mission guest and current employee of the Mission’s Clean Team Workforce, has four children that he hasn’t seen since arriving at the shelter. “I miss them. You think about your kids, but also try not to, so you can do everything youneed to do to get your life back,” explains J.P. “I would love to see mykids on Father’s Day!”

Additionally, guests in the Transformation Program will explore topics such as fatherhood responsibilities and second chances withfamily. The staff will emphasize the importance of family relationships and the positive effects of having a father present in the home.

Statistics regarding fatherless homes reveal elevated incidents of runaway children, children living in poverty, drug and alcohol abuse,and incarceration. The Allentown Rescue Mission works year-round to rescue, rehabilitate, and restore men to their families and communities.

“Part of restoration is reconciliation. Though many of our guests feelthey have burned all their bridges, it’s a blessing when they are able to reconcile with family members, especially their children,” added Mark Faucette, Transformation Program Associate at the Allentown Rescue Mission.

The Allentown Rescue Mission, a 501c3, 123 bed non-profit homelessshelter has been providing shelter for homeless men since 1900. Inaddition to emergency shelter services (365 days a year), the Allentown Rescue Mission offers a residential life skills program, and transitional employment on the Clean Team Workforce that’s available for hire to the community. The Clean Team Workforce pays the men above PA state minimum wage– helping them save a nest egg to transition back into the community. In a typical year, the Allentown Rescue Mission provides shelter services for over 946 men per year, and serves over 42,000 meals a year to men in need.
To refer someone to the Allentown Rescue Mission for services or tolearn ways you can help make a difference please visit www.allentownrescuemission.org (http://www.allentownrescuemission.org/)

Information provided to TVL by:

Stefanie Appel