There’s a new name in the already saturated and talented field of photography in the area. But do we really need another photo buff? With the way Jonathan Hill, (owner/photographer of depictions by J. Hill) has been capturing memories one shutter release at a time and producing some extraordinary work we just might. Check out depictions by J. Hill and you can be the judge for yourself.

Born in the Lehigh Valley, Jon is no stranger to the beauty our area has to offer, which is why he picked up an interest in photography to begin with. “I’ve always been a really visual and artistic person. I spend a ton of my free time outdoors and I wanted to share the moments that took my breath away, so I started slowly getting into photography.” Jon said with a bright smile.
“Not many people know this but I it hasn’t been very long since I seriously applied myself in photography, and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It’s a perfect way to express myself and create things I’m really proud of. It’s really healthy for me. Before my first dslr camera I would capture everything on my iPhone. I fell in love with photography then and learned that I wasn’t too bad at it either, so I decided to pursue my passion and develop the skills that came along with it.”
Self taught, Jonathan has completed a handful of certificates to back up what is already easily noticeable when you look at his work; he is well educated, talented and making waves with his unique style and fresh look on professional portraits, events, weddings, corporate photography and landscapes. Jon has worked along side some wonderful people in his field and thanks them for their years of experience and valuable insights. Jon began working professionally for a local portrait company last year and soon after aspired to start his own photo business, depictions by J. Hill. Fast forward to now and he’s accomplished quite a bit in the short amount of time since his business has been formed. With a solid following on social media, a 5 out of 5-star average rating with more than 20 customer reviews and the attention from one of the best news authorities in Eastern PA.
When asked what he credits for such a great start Jon said “I studied business in college, and I’ve had job positions that dealt with many aspects in the customer service field. But I was going through my life feeling like I wasn’t using my maximum potential and living my life to the fullest. I felt like I didn’t yet find what I was put here to do and I craved that goal of discovering my purpose and never letting it go. I knew for me to truly be happy I needed to pursue it, you never know what can happen until you give it a shot. Photography is my happiness. I full-heartedly believe that when it really comes down to it, the two most important things that you don’t need a degree to know are: treat others how you would like to be treated, always with respect and kindness and you need to love your work; be proud of what you’re doing. That way at the end of each day you know that you spent the time you’re given doing something beneficial which is a huge reward. When people see and feel the passion that you have and the love that surrounds you the rest just falls into place. Being able to capture moments for people that they will get to view and cherish for the rest of their lives is incredible to me. I feel like I’m the luckiest man in the world. Having people support my passion and want my personal touch on a book mark of their life is more than I could have ever imagined, I owe it to myself, my new and old friends alike to do as well as I possibly can every day. I’m forever grateful.”
When asked to take a look towards the future, and any advice he would like to share Jon’s eyes lit up and he told us “I already know that I’ll be doing this (photography) for the rest of my life, it’s what I love to do. With luck, I’ll be able to continue to do it professionally for a very long time. I don’t plan on going anywhere except forward in this career path. I think advice is something that’s better individually offered, but without a doubt, if you truly want something bad enough, work hard enough, devote yourself, all of you, you can make your dreams a reality. Positives in, positives out.” Said well by a man who is very open about some of the more low times of his life, when he struggled with depression and anxiety. Now he uses those experiences to try to help others who are going through struggles of their own as an advocate of breaking the social stigma of depression and being a voice, a hand and ear for whoever needs it. Yet another reason to create beauty through his passionate talent in photography.
So we vote yes; Jon and depictions by J. Hill is exactly what the valley and surrounding areas need. How can we not approve such a well rounded and artistic person who’s vision brightens up our days? Jonathan also asks us to keep our eyes out for work being released shortly that he’s really proud of. We can’t wait.
To check out Jonathan Hill and his work visit his website
His business page depictionsbyjhill (and don’t forget to hit the like button!)
Or you can give him a call: (610)577-6944
And email:
Personally, I have had the pleasure of working with Jonathan Hill and have seen his amazing talent! From your local or personal event to your business card head shot that you are looking for, his work will reflect your needs and his passion of photography. Check out a few photos from Spread The Love Fitness Party hosted by Iron Run Orthopedics on February 13th, 2016 at The West End Youth Center.