Review By: Janel Spiegel – Photography By: Diane Fleischman
Event Review: Asking Alexandria & The HU
Service Electric Stage at
Wind Creek Event Center
September, 13, 2023.
Did you hear the rumbling, the rumbling in Bethlehem? You know what it was? It was THE HU, and Asking Alexandria. Okay, let’s take a moment and discuss a few things. I recently saw Mr. Bungle in Philadelphia, and Montclair, New Jersey. Mr. Bungle is one of the heaviest of heaviest metal, thrash, jazz, avant-garde, you name it, they have done it. Mike Patton, Dave Lombardo (Formerly SLAYER, he also works with The Misfits and more)-DRUMMER extraordinaire, Scott Ian (Anthrax), Trey Spruance, one of the original Mr. Bungle members, Trevor Dunn, one of THEE greatest Bass players ever. Why am I bringing Mr. Bungle up in this review? Well, I shall tell you. I feel that so many artists look to certain artists for inspiration, and artists that they love but tonight after watching The Hu, I think they just knocked it out of the park, past the park, straight out of the galaxy.
Okay, I hear you. You want to know what went down at this concert. First off, Wind Creek is AMAZING. The staff, the security, the Bethlehem Police, and my AMAZING, magical friend Paula who endured this concert with me. (She is a rock star!)
It was a beautiful day today. A beautiful day to head to Wind Creek, and prepare to do more head-banging so, I can go in to work at the crack of dawn, and then have to say, Oh, it was another concert. The opening act was Zero 9:36. They performed some good songs. They taunted the non-EAGLES fans. Which, I think people should know by now that when you come to Pennsylvania, you just go with the flow, and just yell, “GO BIRDS!” or “GO EAGLES,” and then go into the signature dance.
But the lead singer and his band were awesome. They riled the purely energetic crowd up. We had some moshing, there was some mosh-pit action. Here is some concert etiquette… Just always mind your neighbor, be careful of those around you, and sing. The way the gentleman who was sort of the “Keeper of the Mosh Pit” was handling things was safe. He didn’t pull anyone in that did not want to come in, and at one point, they had everyone on the ground, doing a rowing machine type of moshing. If you know me, LIKE really know me, I’ve been to countless, endless concerts. I’ve been in rain, snow, sleet, I’ve head banged, I’ve sang until I had no voice at all, and occasionally I found myself in a pit or ten. Zero 9:36 sang some songs including, “Adrenaline.”
So, while I was roaming around the floor area, which is considered General Admission, and I’m beyond grateful AS ALWAYS to be able to see concerts and listen to MUSIC I love so much. I mean I love music with ALL OF MY BEING. And concerts, CONCERTS…. They are my favorite. I was roaming around for a bit with Paula, my friend. Asking Alexandria started after really letting a wild LOUD drum beat let everyone know they were starting. They sang some new songs, because they just released a new album. They performed everything from “Alone Again,” “Killing You,” “Bad Blood,” “Dark Void,” “Down to Hell,” “A Prophecy,” and more. They truly put on a good show. You can tell they put heart and soul into it, and Danny interacted with the crowd, asked everyone to sing along, and did those iconic death growls that he does so well.
Asking Alexandria is made up of: Guitarists Ben Bruce and Cameron Liddell, drummer (OH, I LOVE A GOOD DRUMMER) James Cassells, Lead Vocalist Danny Worsnop, and bassist Sam Bettley.
After a brief intermission, and watching the road crew work quickly to change the stage around for The Hu. I have watched so many stages get changed over the years. It’s amazing. The crews work hard. It’s not easy. Okay, THE HU! If Mother Nature had a soundtrack, THE HU would be her soundtrack. I was expecting to see fire breathing dragons, people ready for battle, someone walking a dinosaur. They made METALLICA more METAL…. They performed, “Sad But True” by Metallica, AND MADE IT EVEN MORE METAL… How do you even do that? If I could be a drummer besides Dave Lombardo, I would say the drummers in The Hu. This was more than just music. It was music that motivates, and captivates. People were losing their minds. They were so into each song. Every instrument The HU played was fascinating. The Hu is a rare band. It is an entire band of these amazing otherworldly beings that just oozes talent.
The Hu is a Mongolian folk metal band. They were formed in 2016. The members are: Nyamjantsan Galsanjamts (Flute), Galbadrakh Tsendbaatar (Morin Khuur), Temka, Temuulen Naranbaatar (Tovshuur), Enkush, and Dashka.
This band is one OF THE MOST INCREDIBLE, ALIVE, bands they make you want to run marathons, and take your fire-breathing dragon for a walk. If you are out, and ready to conquer the whole planet while listening to The Hu… I don’t know what else to tell you. The death growls, all the instruments. It was captivating. I didn’t want it to end. The Hu performed a variety of different songs including, “Shoog Shoog,” which they got a great chant going with the crowd. They also performed, “Black Thunder,” “Mother Nature,” “The Great Chinggis Khaan,” “Yuve Yuve Yu,” and “Wolf Totem.” Did I almost throw my phone over the balcony several times, YES, I almost did. I was drumming, head-banging, and just in this element that felt free and happy. How did we wind in the balcony suites upstairs you ask? My friend Paula met a wonderfully kind gentleman named, Jeff. (THANK YOU from our Souls, Jeff.) He is an owner of the establishment. He was so kind to send a few people upstairs. I was still downstairs for a while. Paula got me to finally come up to the suites right as the show began, and it was BEYOND, BEYOND. I don’t think, I have ever seen another concert like this.
Wind Creek is such an amazing venue. If you get a chance to see a show, or check out the shops, the Casino. Go and visit. It’s great. The venue is comfortable. They have food, drinks, and the staff is some of the best people you will ever meet in life. Thank you and shout out to the people rooting for me and Paula to find my car. Thank you always friend concert friends. If you get a chance to see Asking Alexandria or THE HU, GO, RUN! Go see them. They make the world better. The Hu, I know Mother Nature was head-banging because of them, and remember, don’t ever quit. It’s never over even after the battle ends. Now go listen to some music.