The City of Allentown Department of Parks and Recreation is proud to announce its 10th Annual Doggie Dip dated for the 2015 Season.

Mack Pool

Saturday August 22 12:00-4:00pm

Sunday   August 23 12:00-4:00pm


Jordan Pool

Tuesday September 8  3:00-7:00pm

Wednesday September 9  3:00-7:00pm


The Parks & Recreation Department’s Doggie Dip Events are an opportunity to bring man’s best friend to the pool to cool off during the dog days of August and September. Cost per dog is $4.00 for City of Allentown Residents and $6.00 for Non Residents. Proof of Residency is required to receive Resident Rate.

In order to participate in this event all dogs much have a valid 2015 Dog License and be up to date on all vaccinations. One dog per handler in the pool is recommended and any aggressive animals we be asked to exit the event. Monetary or dry pet food donations on behalf of the Lehigh County Humane Society will be accepted and appreciated.

In case of inclement weather, please call the Recreation Inclement Weather Hotline at 610-437-7750 after office hours, or visit us on Facebook for postponement information at www.facebook.com/allentownparkandrec.


Information provided by the city of Allentown