Peace On Earth? By: Carrie Beleno

Scrolling through Facebook and the internet, I see a lot of wishes this time of year for peace on Earth, world peace. Happiness for everyone, love and joy to one and all.

It’s never going to happen.

We, as a human race, just don’t “get it” yet. Certainly you see that. We “smh” about this atrocity or that injustice and wonder when it’s all going to change.

It can’t change.
Ah, there is an unless!
Unless…you, WE, create that change. Starting right now, this instant.

Surely you want peace on Earth, right? Then start being peaceful. We need to BE what we expect to see in the world. Don’t post on Facebook how angry you are that the doctor made you wait 30 minutes. Don’t post photos of the license plate of the guy who cut you off. Refrain from posting every fear, worry and anxiety that keeps you up at night.

Outraged that clothing is imported from Bangladesh? Then buy your clothes from a source that brings you peace. Don’t focus on your outrage.
Sick and tired of waiting for that late appointment? Then switch to an office that brings you peace. Don’t focus on being sick and tired.
Upset about something that happened to your child at school? Be the role model and handle it with peace. Don’t focus on the upset.
:.. continued

You can read this article on Carrie’s blog by clicking here.

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