Senator Boscola Introduces “Students for Ballot PA” to Pennsylvania Senate, Advocating for Electoral Reform
Harrisburg – October 16th, 2023 – Today, Senator Lisa M. Boscola (D-Northampton) introduced a group of dynamic young individuals representing “Students for Ballot PA” to the Pennsylvania Senate. The students, hailing from universities including Bryn Mawr, Carlow, Carnegie Mellon, Gettysburg, Haverford, Kutztown, Pitt, and Swarthmore, embody a new wave of civic engagement.
In a statement to the Senate, Senator Boscola remarked, “I am honored to introduce a group of passionate and engaged young individuals who represent the future of our democracy. The Students for Ballot PA are advocating for a critical change in our electoral system, and their dedication to this cause is truly inspiring.”
Senator Boscola had the opportunity to meet with the students and expressed her admiration for their non-partisan, volunteer-driven advocacy. She stated, “It is incredibly refreshing to see young people actively engaged in shaping the future of our state. These students are advocating for a more inclusive and responsive democracy, and their energy is contagious.”
The students’ focus on unaffiliated voters, constituting about 13% of Pennsylvania’s voting population, aligns with a growing national trend. Senator Boscola emphasized the significance of this demographic shift, saying, “Recent national-level research indicates that 61% of 18- to 24-year-olds do not align with any major political party. These students are not just advocating for change; they are the voice of a generation that demands a more flexible and inclusive political system.”
The Students for Ballot PA are actively supporting Senate Bill 400, a bipartisan proposal introduced by Senator Boscola (D-Northampton) and Senator Dan Laughlin (R-Erie). The legislation aims to grant voters who are registered as ‘unaffiliated’ the right to participate in primary elections, promoting principles of fairness, accountability, and representation.
Moreover, their advocacy seems to be working, as House State Government Committee Chairman Scott Conklin (D-Centre) has scheduled a State Government Committee Meeting to consider two house bills on the subject (HB 976 & HB 979) on Tuesday, October 17th.
This cause has garnered support from all five living former PA Governors and a growing coalition of civic, community, and business organizations. Senator Boscola concluded her introduction with a call for bipartisan cooperation, stating, “Let us welcome these advocates for change, who embody the hope of a reformed and improved electoral system in our great Commonwealth.”
Senator Boscola’s remarks can be found here: Students from BallotPA Visit the Capitol – Senator Lisa Boscola (
Information provided to TVL by:
Kurt J. Derr
Office of Senator Lisa Boscola
One East Broad Street, Suite 120
Bethlehem, PA 18018