Local Naturalist finds 100,000 Facebook Rainforest Fans


Allentown resident, Sam Crothers didn’t know who would like his Facebook page, Rainforest Journeys, when he started it a few years ago. But people did. His page recently reached 100,000 fans worldwide.

Rainforest Journeys is a page devoted to educating people about nature and particularly, about neo-tropical rainforests. Sam is a self-trained naturalist and rainforest explorer who made big news a few years ago when a new species of orchid he discovered was named for him. He posts his own photos and also the photos and articles of colleagues around the world. His page highlights all forms of nature from monkeys to insects.

Sam was excited when the page reached 10,000 fans. Now he’s got over 100,000. One fan from the other side of the world wrote to say that he and his family enjoy looking at the page together every night after dinner. Frog and orchid experts send Sam photos for identification or corroboration. The page has attracted experts and novices alike.

He has had lots of strange offers as his page grew in popularity. He has been offered money to sell the page, to advertise on the page and one fan even offered to have his baby. But so far, he just keeps going with a simple mission—educating people about the natural world.

For more information about Rainforest Journeys, see the Facebook page at:  https://www.facebook.com/manyspecies/

Information provided to TVL by:
Anne K. Crothers, M.Ed.
Healing Works