February 2, 2025 | Current Volunteer Opportunities from Volunteer Center of the Lehigh Valley

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Allentown Area Ecumenical Food Bank is seeking computer savvy volunteers to help in our intake office 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Monday through Friday, and/or 3:30 to 6 p.m. on Thursdays. Training will be provided by staff. This is a good opportunity for individuals who want to give back to the community by assisting at the food bank without having to be physically active. Contact Amy, 610-821-1332, amy.hitch@allentownfoodbank.org. Website link- www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0CVI00002VkNRq

Center for Career Pathways and Literacy at Lehigh Carbon Community College Donley Center, Allentown, is looking for volunteers interested in tutoring English as a Second Language (ESL) and GED preparation to adult students. No experience is required but training and clearances are. Days of the week and times are flexible. Contact Shiloh Sidor, 610-799-1657, volunteertutor@lccc.edu. Website link- www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0CVI00001pA6w7

Whether you’re a professional, a student, or just passionate about helping others, your time and talent can help us ensure children of all ages with Down syndrome thrive in every aspect of their lives. Eastern PA Down Syndrome Center, Bethlehem, is seeking volunteers in the health and wellness field to help create impactful programs in areas of physical & occupational therapy, nutrition, fitness & adaptive sports, and more. Contact Kerri, 484-224-5288, theepdsc@gmail.com. Website link- www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0CVI00002VN7Xc

LV Auto Dealers Foundation is seeking community volunteers to staff the 2025 LV Auto Show at Stabler Athletic & Convocation Center, Bethlehem, scheduled for Thursday, March 20 through Sunday, March 23 . All functions are indoors. Volunteer for a 5-hour shift on any day(s) within the hours noted for each day. Contact Rebecca, 610-217-3570, rbshoemaker@icloud.com. Website link- www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0CVI00002XbWRX2A3

Become a Hunger Hero with Meals on Wheels of the Greater Lehigh Valley by delivering from 1 of 8 pickup locations throughout the Valley; shifts start between 10 & 10:30 a.m. and take 60 to 90 minutes to complete. Deliver on your own or with a friend, family member (min age 10) or co-worker. Instructions and training provided; application and background check required. Contact Dawn, 610- 841-7011, dawns@mowglv.org. Website link- www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0C4z00000VdEIl

Seeking energetic, dynamic volunteers to perform as TeleBear for PBS39 & 91.3 WLVR at community events and in-school appearances. Appearances may take place on weekdays, weekends or occasional evenings. Mascot actors must be at least 5’3″ tall and comfortable in the apple costume for 20-30 minutes at a time. Free background clearances required. Call 610-984-8102, or email volunteer@wlvt.org. Website link- www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0C4z00000VdT2J

In search of individuals who are enthusiastic about sharing their musical gifts with our Phoebe Allentown Nursing Home community. We would be thrilled to have you perform tailored to your availability. We embrace all types of musical performances, from vocal and piano to violin and harmonica. Our standard program times are 10:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., and 6:30 p.m. Minimum age 13 or 10 with adult. Contact Joan Wickel, 610-794-5370, jwickel@phoebe.org. Website link- www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0CVI00001USzWm

ShareCare Faith in Action needs volunteers to visit with people who are homebound, mostly seniors, who do not drive and live alone. Two hours a week or two hours a month can make a difference in someone’s life and help our community decrease social isolation. Contact Lynn, 610-867-2177, sharecare8@aol.com. Website link- www.volunteerlv.org/opportunity/a0CVI00002YPYgW


Visit our website www.volunteerlv.org for a larger listing of volunteer opportunities or contact us at 610-807-0336, vc@volunteerlv.org for more information.