Healing Wave Chiropractic

Dr. Shaun M Gallagher Headshot

Dr. Shaun M Gallagher is a licensed chiropractor, but equally important is what his style of chiropractic does for his patients. His unique approach to healing has several important outcomes:

(1) Dr. Gallagher’s style of practice puts safety into your nervous system so you can relax and let go. Remember how relaxed you were at the end of your last vacation? That “recoup-mode” is critical to your health and Dr. Gallagher is an expert at reproducing it in the core of your body.

(2) Dr. Gallagher’s care teaches your body and brain a set of skills that help you self-regulate anxiety and tension. Fact: Life is stressful. If you want to get the most out of life and stay healthy, don’t you need the best physical tools possible?

(3) The care Dr. Gallagher provides gives you greater depth and meaning for WHY your condition occurs and HOW to deal with it so the change lasts forever. Nowadays everything seems to be “going green” as we initiate lasting changes for a healthier planet tomorrow. How about using the same sustainable strategy for your body and mind? If you’re through with patching the pothole on Monday only to discover that it has returned by Wednesday, Dr. Gallagher can help you to achieve lasting change.

If you would like to talk with Dr. Gallagher about your condition or situation, he gives consultations at no charge. This offer is a conversation not a commitment. Please call (570) 995-1321 or visit www.healingwavechiro.com for more information.