February 16, 2020 | Youth & Adult Volunteer Opportunities from the Volunteer Center of the Lehigh Valley

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ALLENTOWN SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION needs Lyric Society Volunteers to work all three levels of Miller Symphony Hall: Orchestra, Mezzanine, Balcony. We hold ASO, Allentown Band, outside artists and Jazz Upstairs. All prospective volunteers must attend a 1-hr. orientation session at the Hall. Parking is reimbursed for orientation and all events. Ticket scanning, ushering, program folding, stuffing and distribution. Must be at least 18 years old and be able to work independently. Call Cheryl Haughney, 610-432-7961, chaughney@allentownsymphony.org


COMMUNITY PARTNERS 4 KIDS, Allentown needs adult volunteers to conduct Child ID (4-hour) events throughout the Lehigh Valley inside a church facility, at a community park for a local community event, at a school or similar venue. Training provided on a standard laptop computer with proprietary software on which we collect the personal data of the child, take photos, create a video and voiceprint of the child. Background checks required. Call Clay Smith, 610-762-8054, clay122@rcn.com.


GREATER VALLEY YMCA, Allentown is looking for volunteers to take an active role in bringing about meaningful and enduring change in your own neighborhood. Everyone has personal strengths to offer and to build in others. Volunteer opportunities are available in Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Nazareth, Suburban North (Catasauqua), Slate Belt, and Forks Education Center. To learn more, call
Maribel Tandazo, 610-351-9622 x820, maribeltandazo@gv-ymca.org.


HISTORIC BETHLEHEM MUSEUMS & SITES The Colonial Garden at Burnside Plantation on Schoenersville Rd in Bethlehem is offering gardening opportunities to individuals (min age 14 w/adult) interested in planting and tending this wonderful historical colonial garden. Heirloom seeds, plants and compost are provided at no cost and gardeners share fresh produce from the garden. No gardening experience needed but attending one gardening session per week required. Call Pat Corpora 610-867-0915, pcorpora@aol.com.


LEHIGH VALLEY AUTO DEALERS FOUNDATION is seeking community volunteers to staff the 2020 Lehigh Valley Auto Show for 4-hour shifts. The show is scheduled for Thursday, March 19th through Sunday, March 22nd at Lehigh University’s Goodman Campus. All functions are in doors. Volunteers are provided with Auto Show long sleeve t-shirt, free parking, and tickets for return visits. Call Tom Kwiatek 610-758-9691, tkwiatek@ptd.net.


SHARECARE FAITH IN ACTION, Bethlehem provides free volunteer services to elderly/disabled persons such as transportation, shopping, visitations, and therapy dog visits. They currentlyneed volunteers to be friendly visitors to visit home-bound people in Lehigh and Northampton County. Insurance and training will be provided. Call Lynn Heiney, 610-867-2177, sharecare8@aol.com.


SIXTH STREET SHELTER, Allentown needs an operator for a floor waxer. We have 25 apartments at the shelter and several of them need to be waxed 1-4 times a month. You would need to be able to carry the waxing machine up one or two flights of stairs, which might be a job for more than one person. Child Abuse Clearances and Criminal Background checks are required. Normal business hours are Monday – Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm but other options may be available. Call Heather Pritchard, 610-435-1490, hpritchard@caclv.org.


ST. LUKE’S UNIVERSITY HEALTH NETWORK, all locations needs Volunteer Escorts, Patient Advocates, Lobby Greeters and Hospice Volunteers Monday through Friday from 8am-12pm or 12-4pm.  Spend time socializing with and providing comfort items to our patients and provide a lending hand to our staff by performing various supportive duties.  This volunteer opportunity is diverse and very active (walking) all while helping to make a difference in the lives of our patients and staff.  Call Amanda Wefing, 484-526-4600, or email volunteers@sluhn.org.


For more volunteer opportunities please visit https://www.volunteerlv.org/