Assist with literacy activities in a kindergarten or first grade classroom in the Allentown School District one hour or more per week. Allentown School District Foundation requires clearances and attendance at an orientation session. The first orientation of the 2022-23 school year will be held at Hays Elementary School on Wednesday, October 5 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. Pre-registration required. Adults only. Contact Vicki Newhard, 484-765-4121, Website link-
Take compelling photos and videos for marketing and fundraising for Catholic Charities Diocese of Allentown. Requires basic photography and video skills, creativity, organizational skills, and attention to detail. Background checks, trainings and all required safe environment paperwork must be completed. 1-5 hours per week. Contact Bob Olney, 610-435-1541 x327, Website link-
Become a lifeline for Lehigh Valley seniors. A rewarding volunteer opportunity awaits you as a volunteer driver with Independent Transportation Network Lehigh Valley. Meet new people and make new friends as you drive seniors to medical appointments, grocery stores, or to visit a loved one. Choose times, days, and areas you wish to drive. Must have own vehicle and clean driving record. All rides in Lehigh Valley area only. Minimum age 24. Contact Lois Favier, 610-419-1645, Website link-
Volunteer Coordinator needed to recruit new volunteers and/or promote opportunities for people who want more hours in their schedule for the Nazareth Center for the Arts. The Volunteer Coordinator will work with the Board to stay informed on administrative changes, schedule changes, etc. Contact Jenny Swanker, 484-554-5867, Website link-
Gift Basket Bingo Fundraiser Saturday, October 8th at Rosemont Lutheran Church in Bethlehem, hosted by Northeast Community Center. We are seeking up to 5 volunteers to assist during the event with tasks including set-up, running of different tables at the event (raffle, food, registration), and clean – up. Shifts available between 10 a.m. – 6 p. m. Contact Paula Johnson, 610-691-3355, Website link-
Fowler Literacy Center at ProJeCt of Easton is now accepting volunteer applications for the position of Test Proctor. Volunteers will ensure a controlled testing environment that will allow test-takers to perform to the very best of their abilities for the CASAS test (Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems) and/or the GED (General Education Development). Training required. Time commitment: 2- 10 hours per week. Contact Morgan McKay, 610) 258-4361 x18, Website link-
Sights For Hope is in search of compassionate and energetic individuals to assist clients with visual impairments during our weekly walk at the South Mall each Wednesday Morning from 9-10:30 a.m. Clients walk for exercise and need companions as sighted guides during this time. Sighted guide training provided, and current FBI criminal background check clearance required. Minimum age 21. Contact Rita Lang, 610-433-6018 x225, Website link-
Join us on October 16th for our Open Gate Farm Tour 1- 5 p.m. at The Gress Mountain Ranch, Orefield. Help needed with many areas, including set up before the event at 10AM, visitor parking, bake sale table, food & beverage tables, ‘gate keeper’ for animal stalls, and breakdown after the event at 5PM. Minimum age 14. Contact Kathryn Gress, 610-398-2122, Website link-
Visit our website for a larger listing of volunteer opportunities or contact us at 610- 807-0336, for more information.